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Achievements since 2007

Since 2007, the ROCS (Regroupement des organismes culturels de Sudbury) members have worked to develop the Place des Arts project.

Here is an overview of steps along the way.


Foundation of the coalition known under the name of ROCS, a coalition of 7 arts organizations.
Creation of a common on-line calendar, facilitating event planning and seasons’ programming.


Seven sectorial roundtables formed by the leaders of the Francophone community, amongst them the Arts, Culture and Heritage Roundtable, are formed and work for several months. These roundtables are put to task within the Francophone Community Strategic Plan process, leading to the “États-généraux” in the spring of 2008 and the adoption of a common multi-sectorial Strategic Plan.


First Annual Volunteer Celebration by the ROCS members, with more than 100 participants.


The ROCS members undertake the development of the Place des Arts project and the initial needs analysis is completed.


Completion of the Functional and Technical Program (FTP) of the future community centre.

Series of 3 workshops with architect Dennis Castellan, to work out the spatial analysis of the centre.


Community consultation, reaching out to 20 other arts, culture & heritage organizations and local artists, showing that many share ROCS members’ needs for small to medium size venues (100 to 300 seats) and production facilities.

Final report of the pre-feasibility study for the Place des Arts project. ROCS members decide to further develop the capital project, leading to the need to pursue with a formal feasibility study.

Creation of the Place des Arts Newsletter, a bilingual web-based communication tool.


Market study of the main commercial components of the capital project, under the direction of Collins-Barrow SNT.

With the Sudbury Arts Council and over 20 other local arts organizations, the ROCS is a founding member of the Creative Consortium, a coalition and a voice for the Greater Sudbury cultural sector.

Co-producer, with 5 other ROCS members, of the “Grand Rassemblement des 40 ans”, a six-event in 3-days festival celebrating La Nuit and Prise de parole 40th anniversary. This cultural tourism pilot project led to 23% of the ticket sales being sold to out-of-town participants.


The Bistro’s Business Plan is developed, with the support of NOHFC’s internship program for young professionals.

In partnership with the Sudbury Arts Council, creation of the Mayor’s Celebration of the Arts and the annual Arts Awards and Bursaries for the most talented artists through the generosity of a growing number of sponsors and donors from the business community.

Marketing Campaign for Sudbury’s Biennale (Salon du livre and Foire d’art alternatif) in the Nipissing, North Eastern and Eastern Ontario and North West Quebec, bringing in hundreds of visitors to Greater Sudbury.


Completion of an independent Feasibility Study for the Place des Arts project, recommending the founding members to move forward with the completion of the project.

Decision by the seven Boards to move forward with the overall $30 M capital project.

On October 9th, the not for profit corporation called “Place des Arts of Greater Sudbury” was established by patent letters signed by 11 ROCS delegates, founding member organizations and future residents of the centre.

In November, City Council receives a request from Place des Arts for $5 M and a municipal lot located at the corner of Larch and Elgin, identified as a “Cultural Opportunity Site” in the Downtown Master Plan of 2012.


Market Study of the Major Fundraising Campaign required by the capital project ($3.75 M), under the direction of Ketchum Canada (KCI).

Cabinet recruitment, Members’ Campaign and launch of the Major Donors’ Campaign.

Outreach to Greater Sudbury’s communities and neighbourhoods to inform residents of the Place des Arts centre and engage them in the project’s success.

In December, City Council will vote on the Place des Arts investment, a decision which will leverage other funding from the provincial and federal governments, as well as incite major donors to support the capital project.


Outreach and fundraising continue and intensify.

The Ontario government and the Government of Canada confirm their support to the capital project.

Selection of a team of professionals (project managers and architects).


RFP process for the selection of a general contractor.

Capital Campaign ongoing, moving on to the Community Campaign across Greater Sudbury, Ontario and beyond.

Construction is starting.


Fundraising and construction continue.

Hiring of the founding Executive Director.

Construction continues.


Hiring of personnel.

Construction continues.


Hiring of personnel.

Construction continues.


Place des Arts is furbished and equipped, residents move in.

Grand Opening !