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Why do we need a Place des Arts?

Because Greater Sudbury has a thriving local arts community and unique expertise in cultural development.

Because this professional community has been telling us for many years that there is a need for an arts centre geared to its quest for artistic excellence and growing audiences and participation.

Because today’s consumers and participants are looking for more engaging outings, where their creativity and sense of belonging are enhanced by memorable experiences shared with others.

Because of its strategic contribution to the redevelopment of the downtown, drawing some 50,000 people downtown yearly, mostly at night and on weekends when it needs it the most.

  • The present lack of professional cultural infrastructure in the region, as recognized by the Municipal Cultural Plan of 2014
  • The need to rationalize productions costs for cultural organizations
  • Important audience and participation growth in the last 10 years
  • The Municipal Downtown Redevelopment Strategy adopted in 2012
  • The professionalization of the arts & culture sector and the growing number of local artists
  • The role of Greater Sudbury as the “Cultural Capital” of North-Eastern Ontario, which requires local capacity to welcome tourists and visitors
  • Contribution to the quality of life and the region’s capacity to attract and retain professionals of the creative economy
  • Generated job creation and economic impacts, in line with priorities of all levels of government

Do I have to speak French to attend Place des Arts?

All services at Place des Arts (box office, reception, Bistro and shop managers and floor staff, space rentals, etc.) are available in both official languages.

Many theatre productions are offered with English Surtitles™. Look for the icon on the event pages.