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Panache Bookstore

La librairie Panache is a bookstore and cultural boutique offering a large selection of books in French, games, specialized magazines, stationery and crafts. She organizes activities for all ages that promote the pleasure of reading.

Hours of Operation
  • Thursday and Friday: 12 pm to 5 pm
  • Saturday: 10 am to 3 pm
  • Sunday and Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday and Wednesday: By appointment only

Latest news

  • The bookstore opened its doors on January 26, 2024. It was the opportunity to reveal the name chosen by its board of directors: Panache!

Brilliance, spectacular appearance;
beautiful and bold presence;
bravery and pride;
with the added bonus of a nod to deer antlers.

Our Team

Monica Meza Giron
Directrice générale
705 885-1190
Chloé Leduc-Bélanger