Jaune comme joie
In this show combining poetry and object theatre, two performers explore the connections between emotions and colours in everyday life. Colours surround them. Emotions drive them. Their games reflect this.
New: if you’re on a tight budget and want a $0 ticket, please write to Maxime at mediation@letno.ca to request one. (Offer subject to availability)
Prices and schedule
The Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario participates in the Access2 program. If you are an Access2 cardholder, please contact the box office before purchasing your tickets.
$15 I have a limited budget, so I can afford the occasional theatrical outing. I want to go to the theatre for the first time. I’m a member of the Association des auteures et auteurs de l’Ontario français and Théâtre Action.
$30 My budget allows me to afford theatrical outings. I’m a regular spectator.
$45 I want to support fair ticketing at the TNO. I support access to art and culture. I’m sensitive to the financial issues of the performing arts and my budget allows me to pay more for my ticket.