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Place des Arts salutes its outgoing director and continues to pursue its new business plan

May 1, 2024

The executive director of Place des Arts, Jean-Gilles Pelletier, stepped down from his position this week for personal reasons. We regret this decision, but we respect his choice.

We thank Jean-Gilles for his two years at the helm of our organization. He has devoted himself both to ensuring the launch and success of Place des Arts and to finding ways of ensuring its long-term viability.

Jean-Gilles came on board when our construction project was ending, just in time for the official opening of our much-anticipated major community asset. He is moving on after having delivered a new business plan in response to an economic context that has considerably changed since the project was originated. The plan opens promising avenues to reposition Place des Arts for its continued development.

Under Jean-Gilles’s leadership, Place des Arts has achieved resounding successes. It serves as an outstanding cultural hub for its seven founding members and the entire Greater Sudbury community. Together, over the past two years, we have hosted or produced more than 300 events, sold 19,000 tickets and attracted more than 30,000 participants and spectators. More than 30 organizations, associations, clubs, and institutions have benefited from Place des Arts’ hospitality and services. Several privileged partners have established long-term agreements with Place des Arts that allows them to offer unique experiences to audiences in Sudbury and Northern Ontario.

At this juncture, as at every stage of the project from ideation to construction, the Place des Arts team – its employees, board of directors, founding members and many partners – is ready to take the reins. Moving forward from the start-up phase led by Jean-Gilles, we are determined to implement our new business plan as quickly as possible.

The work is already well under way. Place des Arts is looking forward to continuing to work collaboratively with its funders and to mobilizing the wider community of its allies and friends.

The Board is also looking for new leadership to build on our successes in collaboration with our dedicated team.

René Lapierre
Board president